Image of bluue portfolio

Fall Portfolio Requirements

  • A draft “about” page with directions for your readers and an acknowledgements/rights section
  • Your working definition of the future (1000 words)
    • include references and examples from each unit & Sapere Aude
    • include at least two images of pages from your red notebook with your reading notes
    • be sure to use Prof. Robb’s On Definitions primer and include it in your citations or acknowledgements section
  • Your working definition of the humanities and of the Humanities (1000 words)
    • include references & examples from each unit & at least 6 plenary lectures or presentations
    • include at least two images of pages from your red notebook (or your similar writing space; we hope it’s your red notebook) with notes about the humanities and the Humanities
  • A newly revised version of paper 1 or paper 2
  • All three campus commentaries; an expanded and polished version of one of them.
  • A revised and expanded version of one of your slack posts or reading annotations from each unit
  • Something new (creative, reflective, analytical, exegetical, hermeneutic, discursive, performative) by you that is a text; connect this to your experience in our course
  • Something new by you that is not a text (image or images, audio, video, performance, etc.); connect this to your experience in our course