Köln, preliminary archive administration and reading room

Final Portfolio Requirements

Your portfolios should have a clear theme and contain these elements at a minimum. You can add and adapt as you see fit as long as you work within the requirements listed below:

  • an introduction or about page with directions for your readers and an acknowledgements section for image citations, your CC license, and any other acknowledgments; you may decide to divide this among more than one page. Extra points if you do not call this page “about.”
  • your two definitional essays, revised and expanded from what you produced for the Fall: on the future (1000-2000 words, perhaps broken up across several pages) and on the humanities and of the Humanities (1000-2000 words, perhaps across several pages)
    • include references and examples from each unit
    • include and integrate images of pages from your notebook with your reading notes
    • If you use Prof. Robb’s On Definitions primer and include it in your citations or acknowledgements section
  • revised and expanded version of one of your Moodle posts or reading annotations from each unit (7 total).
  • your research paper – the centerpiece of your portfolio, (2000-2500 words; use an in-page pdf viewer of some sort but also include a pdf download option);
  • All six of your campus commentaries; expanded and polished versions of at least two of them (at least one each from fall and spring).
  • something new from each semester(creative, reflective, analytical, exegetical, hermeneutic, discursive—we have so many great models of different modes and genres in our course) by you that is a text; connect this to your experience in our course and link it to other relevant places in your portfolio
  • something new from each semester by you that is not a text (image or images, audio, video, something else?); connect this to your experience in our course and link it to other relevant places in your portfolio
  • something new (text or non-text) that is collaborative; connect this to your experience in our course and link it to other relevant places in your portfolio

You will present your portfolios at the Verna Miller Case Symposium on Wednesday, May 3.

Plan a two-minute presentation of the best few parts of your portfolio that you’re proud of and want to share. Not the whole portfolio, just your research paper and some more of the good stuff, whatever that is for you. We’ll use zoom and turn on share screen for the presenters and record everything for the archive and review.

If you can’t make it for some reason—personal needs, health, family support, whatever—let us know and you can send a movie of your presentation.

We’re trying to support sharing your work together, and we think this is a good format in which you can all have something to share and be proud of. You’ll want to practice with a partner or a fellow or your AT group a few times: sharing your screen, presenting your research paper briefly, and presenting some other parts of your portfolio as you explain the choices you made and how the parts of your portfolio demonstrate your theme and connect to each other. All in only 2 minutes. You’ll need to practice on your timing!

No stress. Be in touch. Share and collaborate. Link to each other.