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Grading Rubric

Digital Learning Team Positionality Statement

“Positionality is the notion that personal values, views, and location in time and space influence how one understands the world. In this context, gender, race, class, and other aspects of identities are indicators of social and spatial positions and are not fixed, given qualities. Positions act on the knowledge a person has about things, both material and abstract. Consequently, knowledge is the product of a specific position that reflects particular places and spaces.” Luis SánchezPositionality (entry in Encyclopedia of Geography)

When approaching the assessment of portfolios, the digital learning team comes with unique experiences, expertise, and biases. We acknowledge our subjectivity, even in the rubric.

Evaluation Rubric for Humes Portfolio

Each portfolio will be assessed based on the following four assessment criteria: 

Appearance, Navigation and Accessibility 

Your portfolio must demonstrate clear navigation and connection between the content and learning outcomes. Your portfolio must be accessible for its intended audience and show a demonstrated use of font, color, theme selection that align with overall presentation.

Demonstration of Learning 

Your portfolio must include appropriate materials and artifacts that support the knowledge and skills you have acquired throughout the course. 

Reflection on Learning 

Your portfolio must include documentation of reflection. You should show an ability to build upon knowledge and improve performance by incorporating peer and instructor feedback and recognizing knowledge gained by concrete experience through reflection and application. You should describe how you utilized reflection (i.e. that you thought deeply about what produced your learning and what actions generated that growth). 


Your portfolio should include all required portfolio elements, address all four assessment criteria, and its presentation must be clear and well-organized.