Deadlines and Breakdown


Writing Assignment 1: Annotation Exercise

Commentary 1

Writing Assignment 2: Difficult Passage

Commentary 2

    • Due December 6

Fall Portfolio

    • Due December 10



Grade 1: Portfolio (More detailed breakdown of the fall portfolio below)
Fall portfolio: 40%
Spring portfolio: 60%

Grade 2: Fall
Paper 1: 20%
Paper 2: 30%
*Participation, including low-stakes assignments (Moodle posts, campus commentaries):
Section 1: 25%
Section 2: 25%

Grade 3: Spring
Paper 3: 10% (or 15%)
Paper 4 (research): 40% (or 35%)
*Participation, including low-stakes assignments (Moodle posts, campus commentaries):
Section 1: 25%
Section 2: 25%

Deatailed breakdown of Fall Portfolio (40% of portfolio grade) breakdown

  • A draft “about” page with directions for your readers and an acknowledgements/rights section (5 pts.)
  • Your working definition of Justice (500 words) (5 pts.)
  • include references & examples from each unit & at least 6 plenary lectures or presentations
  • include at least two images of pages from your red notebook (or your similar writing space; we hope it’s your red notebook) with notes about the humanities and the Humanities
  • Your Key Terms Journal (20 pts.)
  • Revised Paper 1 (5 pts.)
  • Revised Paper 2 (5 pts.)
  • Two campus commentaries; polished based on feedback. (15 pts.)
  • A revised and expanded version of one of your slack posts or reading annotations from each unit (5 pts.)
  • Something new (creative, reflective, analytical, exegetical, hermeneutic, discursive, performative) by you that is a text; connect this to your experience in our course. (10 pts.)
  • Something new by you that is not a text (image or images, audio, video, performance, etc.); connect this to your experience in our course (10 pts.)
  • Conversation/portfolio review (20 pts.)